👋 Hi! I’m 👦 Benyu Wu (吴本钰). I am pursuing a Master’s degree 🎓 in Computer Science and Technology at the Joint Lab of Intelligent Information Processing (JLIIP), CUMT-CAS, under the guidance of 👨🏫 Prof. Shifei Ding.
I graduated from School of Computer Science and technoloy,
China University of Mining and Technology (中国矿业大学计算机科学与技术学院) with a bachelor’s degree.
👨🔬 My current research focuses on Deep Graph Clustering and Graph Machine Learning. I am always open to discussions and exchanging ideas!
🔥 News
- 2024.12.01: 🎉 I won the China National Scholarship for Graduate Students.
- 2024.11.25: 🎉 I won the First-Prize Scholarship, CUMT.
- 2024.06.22: 🎉 One Paper has been accepted by ACM TKDD.
- 2023.10.12: 🎉 I won the First-Prize Scholarship, CUMT.
- 2023.07.21: 🎉 One Paper has been accepted by Pattern Recognition.
Click to expand/collapse Previous news
- 2022.08.28:👨🎓 Pursue a Master's Degree in Computer Science, CUMT, supervised by Prof. Shifei Ding.
- 2022.06.17:🎓 Achieve Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science and Technology.
- 2021.09.28:🏫 Recommend for admission to CUMT for a master's degree.
📝 Projects and Publications

A Unified Framework for Deep Attribute Graph Clustering
Benyu Wu
- UFDGC is a scalable unified framework for deep graph clustering.

Synergistic Deep Graph Clustering Network
Benyu Wu, Shifei Ding*, Xiao Xu, Lili Guo, Ling Ding and Xindong Wu
- TIGAE uses simple linear transformation to introduce explicit graph Laplacian information to alleviate representation collapse.
- A synergistic framework of representation learning and structure augmentation is proposed to exploit the reciprocal relationship between them to jointly improve the embedding quality.
- Structure fine-tuning strategy improve the generalization ability of the model.

Towards Faster Deep Graph Clustering via Efficient Graph Auto-Encoder
Shifei Ding, Benyu Wu, Ling Ding, Xiao Xu, Lili Guo, Hongmei Liao* and Xindong Wu
- EGAE optimizes the GAE from the perspectives of data dimension and graph convolution efficiency.
- Dynamic graph weight updating strategy adjust the structure during the training process.

Graph Clustering Network with Structure Embedding Enhanced
Shifei Ding, Benyu Wu, Xiao Xu, Lili Guo and Ling Ding*
- GC-SEE enhances the structural information in embeddings for clustering by utilizing different types of structural information.
* indicates corresponding author.
🏅 Honors and Awards
- 2024.12 🏆 The China National Scholarship for Graduate Students.
- 2024.11 🥇 The First-Prize Scholarship, CUMT.
- 2023.10 🥇 The First-Prize Scholarship, CUMT.
- 2022.09 🏆 Outstanding Freshman Scholarship, CUMT.
- 2022.06 🏆 Outstanding Graduates Awards, CUMT.
- 2021.12 🥇 The First-Prize Scholarship, CUMT.
- 2020.12 🥈 The Second-Prize Scholarship, CUMT.
- 2019.11 🥈 The Second-Prize Scholarship, CUMT.
📖 Educations
- 2022.08 - 2025.06, Master,
School of Computer Science and Technology,
China Uniersity of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou.
- 2019.06 - 2022.04, Undergraduate,
School of Computer Science and Technology,
China Uniersity of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou.
- 2018.08 - 2019.06, Undergraduate,
School of Resources and Geosciences,
China Uniersity of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou.
- 2015.09 - 2018.06,
Xinyi No.1 Middle School, Jiangsu.